Supply Chain Planning

Optimize Purchases and Inventory to Meet Demand

Supply Chains are complex, crossing countries and currencies across thousands of products and suppliers. Often, companies struggle with large systems to manage their supply chains but are unable to quickly plan for strategic changes - such as changes in cost or duty rates. Frequently, companies rely on multiple spreadsheets to manage the data.  

Bettervu can help your company put Supply chain planning solutions in place that:

  • Rapidly model alternative source combinations

  • Dynamically prioritize products and/or customers, thus ensuring the optimal usage of capacity and maximizing business value

  • Align your capacity management to your business’ operating structure, enabling rapid deployment of cost-effective of capacity alternatives

  • Contact us today to start the conversation.

Why BetterVu? Better Bottom Line Savings.

Supply chain planning decisions cut across a wide set of analysis including purchase optimization, sourcing strategies, logistics planning, inventory planning, etc. BetterVu's solutions provide collaborative, online tools and methods to efficiently and accurately model changes and develop sourcing strategies that deliver bottom line savings.

Ship From Where to Where?

Many manufacturers are able to manufacture or source products and components from multiple suppliers and locations. This allows the manufacturer to optimize capacity utilization, maximize the use of lower cost facilities, limit high tariff locations, and take advantage of foreign exchange rate fluctuations. But now consider the sheer number of combinations in a very simple situation: 9 suppliers, times 10 destinations times 6 currencies times an average of 50 components each generates over 25,000 possible combinations that need to be analyzed ... for one sourcing decision.

Using Anaplan, we have developed an approach that allows for rapid modeling of alternative sourcing combinations, eliminating the need for dozens of spreadsheets each requiring manual data input and obviously prone to error. Our clients can see, in real time, the financial impact of different sourcing options, improving lead times and profitability.

Supply Chain Planning with BetterVu

allocating scarce capacity

Maximize Your Storage Capacity with BetterVu

Some companies are in the fortunate position of having more demand than they can meet, thus necessitating the allocation of production capacity across customers. This sounds easy: simply prioritize those paying the highest prices! But the reality is not so simple as the cost to serve, product mix, and strategic importance vary by customer.

For one of our clients, BetterVu developed a model that allows the company to dynamically prioritize products and/or customers, thus ensuring the optimal usage of capacity and maximizing business value.


capacity planning

Capacity Planning with Anaplan & BetterVu

Having adequate capacity – and the right capacity – is not just a matter of continually adjusting it to meet changing demand. After all, capacity often requires substantial lead time before it can come on line – or conversely, once running, it can be very hard to stop. For example, in the airline industry, once a plane is purchased or leased, that capacity is typically ‘fixed’ for a relatively long period of time and cannot be easily added to or removed. On the other hand, in call centres or food service – as described in Labor Planning – capacity can often be managed by location or job type in very small increments.

Our approach is to build a capacity management model aligning to your business’ operating structure, enabling rapid deployment of cost-effective of capacity alternatives.